I was going to write this really interesting article about all the things you need to check or do before winter on your home. Then I decided to simplify this so you can just print it out and check it off. From top to bottom literally outside to inside your home….here it goes.
Outside the Home
- Clean out your chimney, if need be call a chimney sweep.
- Inspect the roof for any damaged shingles, leaky vents or corroded flashing and repair.
- Clean out gutters and downspouts.
- Clean wood burning stove pipes of debris.
- Look at windows and doors for any seal gaps or leaks and repair.
- Drain and winterize any outdoor faucets and store outdoor hoses.
- Remove and clean any A/C window units and store for the winter.
- If you have mowed and trimmed your yard for the last time, clean and store yard equipment.
- Store and clean all your outdoor furniture.
- Repair the deck of any raised nails or damage that you want to repair before wet winter weather
- Purchase firewood for the winter. If you have any left over from last year, place it on top of the new wood.
- Check all plumbing and faucets for leaks and repair if needed.
- Inspect your washer hoses for any cracks & replace if needed, check and clean dryer ducts and vents.
Inside the Home
- Clean air vents and check and clean furnace filter. If you have a gas furnace, check for any leaks.
- Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries if needed.
- Review all your emergency equipment. Replace batteries in flashlights if needed, first aid kit, restock candles if needed.
This is just a basic list to look over. Most of these items are easy to check. If you need any assistance with any of these items call CH Construction for your handyman needs.
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