While we still have the warmer days of summer, but are moving into the autumn weather. This is the perfect time to finish up those outside projects that can protect your home over the winter months. Our goal is to help home owners find ways to save money by avoiding costly repairs in the future. Listed below is a home owner checklist for the up coming season.
Exterior Autumn Checklist
- Check the caulking shrinkage and cracking around the exterior of windows, trim and doors. Re-caulk areas that need repair.
- Check the roof for loose shingles or broken shingles. Make the necessary repairs.Check your deck for missing nails/screws and replace them.
- Power wash and stain the deck before the up coming winter months.
- Paint any siding or trim needing to be repainted or consider painting the entire house if needed.Caulking cracks in your sidewalk or patio.
- Check your foundation for cracks and repair.Look for any area around your home that insects and rodents can enter.Check for any termite damage.Trim branches and shrubs for the autumn season
Interior Autumn Checklist
- Check the caulking around the bathtub and shower. If any cracks or shrinkage, repair.
- Check for leaky faucets, if they are leaky, repair.
- Check or change the batteries on your Smoke detector and Carbon Monoxide detector.
- Clean the chimney flue and fireplace. If need be hire a professional chimney sweep to come out to do this project. This would be a good time to locate and purchase firewood for the winter.
We have made a Homeowner Autumn Checklist for your autumn projects will help you as homeowner. This checklist will help you stay on top of costly damage that could occur to your home. If you have any questions or would like CH Construction to help with any of your handyman repairs, give us a call.
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